
Sir Jonathan Cohen Returns to Chambers Following his Retirement as High Court Judge

4PB is delighted to announce the return to chambers of Sir Jonathan Cohen (with immediate effect) after his recent retirement from the High Court Bench.


Charlotte Baker Returns from Maternity Leave

We are thrilled to welcome back Charlotte Baker from maternity leave, returning to practice today.


Deirdre Fottrell KC and Andrew Powell Represent the Applicant in a Surrogacy Case Involving the Posthumous Use of Gametes

Deirdre Fottrell KC, leading Andrew Powell and Tom Wilson of 1GC, represented the applicant in G v Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority & Anor [2024] EWHC 2453 (Fam) before the President of the Family Division. The case concerned the applicant’s (‘G’) application for a declaration that the posthumous use of her daughter’s (‘N’)  gametes in a surrogacy arrangement was lawful, in circumstances where no written consent was provided by N for posthumous use of her gametes. The application was refused.  Deirdre, Andrew, and Tom were instructed by Louisa Ghevaert of Louisa Ghevaert Associates.

Click here to read the judgment.


4PB hosts launch of Resolution’s report on Domestic Abuse in Financial Remedy Proceedings

Today 4PB is delighted to host the launch of Resolution’s report on Domestic Abuse in Financial Remedy Proceedings.

The report explores the perspectives of family law professionals on this issue. It represents the combined efforts of over 50 barristers, solicitors, academics, independent financial advisers, mediators, coaches, and domestic abuse charities, who have explored this pressing and important topic on behalf of Resolution.

The report has been co-chaired by Anita Mehta from 4PB and Olivia Piercy from Hunters.

Anita commented: “This report shines a light on the experiences of victim-survivors who are accessing the Family Justice System in respect of resolving their finances. It pulls together insights both from professionals and victim-survivors.

 The report grapples with the difficult question of whether the impact of domestic abuse should be reflected in the final division of the parties’ finances.  It recognises that there are a wide range of views about that issue and does not make a final recommendation in that regard.  However, it recommends a number of changes that can be made from the moment the parties have separated until a final court order is enacted to make the journey safer and fairer for victim-survivors.

Resolution hopes to work with other stakeholders, senior judiciary and policymakers to co-operate around implementing the recommendations in 2025.”

The launch event will take place today from 5pm to 6pm, at 4PB.  The guests will hear from:

  • Anita Mehta – 4PB
  • Charles Hale – 4PB
  • Nicole Jacobs – The Domestic Abuse Commissioner
  • Grant Cameron – Chair of Resolution
  • Olivia Piercy – Hunters
  • Samantha Hillas KC – St John’s Buildings

You can view the report here.


Frankie Shama Successfully Obtained a Summary Return Order to the USA in a Hague Convention case.

Frankie Shama, instructed by Helen Blackburn of The International Family Law Group, represented the applicant’s mother in summary return proceedings under the 1980 Hague Convention. Frankie successfully obtained a summary return order to the USA in respect of the 14-year-old child, despite the child’s objections to returning. The court rejected the respondent father’s argument that the applicant mother was not exercising her rights of custody whilst in hospital at the time of the child’s removal.

Click here to read the judgment


4PB records its best ever year in the newly published Legal 500 2025 Guide.