Quality Assurance Policy

  • Chambers is committed to providing excellent legal advice and representation and maintaining the highest standards in all dealings with our clients.
  • In pursuit of those aims and policies Chambers strives to consistently achieve fair and transparent dealings with our clients, including timely disclosure of any problems that might result in the withdrawal of a barrister from a case.
  • We are dedicated to the improvement of service to clients by maintaining up-to-date IT and communications and encouraging members to use systems to capacity, and the improvement of the physical environment to meet clients’ needs.
  • Chambers is also committed to the recruitment of further members to meet clients’ needs, and the recruitment of new members of the highest quality, so that we provide a full complement of family barristers across all the family law specialisms.
  • We are committed to equality of opportunity both within and without chambers, including in compliance with the Bar Standards Board’s Equality and Diversity Code, as well as the Code of Conduct.
  • We select pupils and tenants on an equal and non-discriminatory footing; and listen to clients so as to provide them with the service they need; we distribute work to all members of chambers, working pupils and barristers working with us on a temporary basis (‘squatters’) fairly and without discrimination.
  • We are committed to the ongoing training and development of our staff.

Equality & Diversity

  • Chambers is committed to equality of opportunity and to compliance with the Bar Standards Board’s Equality and Diversity Code, as well as the Code of Conduct.
  • All persons coming into contact with chambers are treated on merit and are not discriminated against on the grounds of their ethnic or national origin, nationality, citizenship, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion or political persuasion.
  • View our Equality and Diversity Policy 2019.
  • Click here to review 4PB’s diversity data, published in accordance with the Bar Standards Board Rules.
  • Click the link to view our Reasonable Adjustment Policy 2019.

Our Anti-Racist Statement

4PB accepts the recommendations of ‘Race At the Bar: A Snapshot Report’ and is committed to an anti racist agenda.  At 4PB, we recognise our duty to promote equality and diversity within chambers and at the Bar.  As a chambers and as individuals we recognise that we have a duty not to discriminate unlawfully against any person.  We are committed to creating an inclusive culture in which clients, members, staff, pupils, mini-pupils, service providers and applicants from all backgrounds feel welcome, and are treated fairly, without discrimination.

We believe that this means not merely refraining from acting in a racially discriminatory way but taking proactive steps to confront and remedy the effects of racism. We recognise the impact of racism and discriminatory behaviour across all levels of society, and the role that all organisations must play in challenging racism and delivering anti-racist practice by changing the systems, policies and practices, structures, attitudes, and cultures that inhibit racial equality.

In chambers we take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of racism; conscious or unconscious, intended or unintended, and condemn all discriminatory behaviour.  Beyond that we are committed to improve access to the Bar and increase diversity within 4PB.

4PB is committed to

  • developing effective data monitoring systems;
  • ensuring an inclusive approach is taken to recruitment;
  • supporting inclusive retention and career progression;
  • setting targets by which we can measure the progress we have made in meeting our goals;
  • ensuring that all policies, processes and systems challenge discriminatory impacts;
  • maintaining a group dedicated to the anti-racist agenda in chambers which includes senior barristers and a member of the Practice Mangers room;
  • creating a safe and encouraging environment for everyone to develop the knowledge and confidence to talk about and combat racism within chambers and in society;
  • encouraging members to involve themselves in initiatives to improve diversity at the Bar;
  • providing and making it an expectation that its members and Practice Mangers room will attend anti-racist training;
  • ensuring that leadership of chambers understands its responsibility to monitor the progress of these commitments.

4PB makes this statement to signal its intent to fight racism and discrimination in all its forms and so that we may be held to account in respect of the commitments we make.

Standard Contractual Terms

Complaints Policy

  • Barristers and staff at 4PB always strive to maintain the highest standards of service. However, there may be occasions when a client is disappointed with our service. We take any cause for dissatisfaction seriously and it is our policy to investigate fully any complaint.
  • Barristers and staff at 4PB always strive to maintain the highest standards of service.  However if you have a complaint you are invited to let us know as soon as possible.  We take any cause for dissatisfaction seriously and it is our policy to investigate fully any complaint.  We aim to learn from any mistakes so as to improve our service in the future.  It is not necessary to involve solicitors in order to make your complaint but you are free to do so should you wish.
  • Click here to download our Chambers Complaints Procedure 2024.
  • We hope that we are able to resolve any complaints. However if you are not happy with our investigation then you can contact the Legal Ombudsman and ask them to investigate the complaint.  (You must have tried resolving you complaint with us first).
  • The Legal Ombudsman investigates problems about poor service from lawyers. Clients can complain to LeO if they are unhappy with the final response to their complaint, or if their complaint has not been dealt within eight weeks.
  • Please find linked here, the LeOs decision data where you can find details of those providers who have received an ombudsman’s decision in the previous 12 months.


4PB and its members are regulated but the Bar Standards Board (BSB).

Please find here, the BSB’s Barristers’ Register which gives you information on the barristers who have a current practising certificate, and whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are alsopublished on the Barristers’ Register.

Data Protection

Our new 4PB Privacy Notice came into effect on May 25, 2018. The changes reflect the increased transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the ‘GDPR’).

4PB are committed to protecting your privacy. That’s something that will never change. These updates are just enhancements which clarify and provide additional information about:

  • Your privacy rights and how to exercise them;
  • How we collect, use, share and protect your personal data; and
  • The legal bases we rely on to process your personal data.
  • All members of Chambers are registered with the Information Commissioners as Data Controllers.  If you have any questions about data protection issues at 4PB please email dataprotection@4pb.com


  • Our policy is to charge fair and competitive fees.
  • For full details and information on the practices of individual members, please contact the senior clerk.

Conditional Fees

  • Chambers’ conditional fee policy operates in line with Bar Standards Board guidance.

Inside Chambers

  • We are located in heart of the City of London, in Paternoster Square. The Royal Courts of Justice, the Principal Registry of the Family Division and other London Courts are easily accessible.
  • Communication is central to our ethos. Practice Mangers can connect solicitors and counsel anywhere in the world by telephone. Conference facilities can be made available at short notice to clients needing urgent face-to-face advice. Telephone and Skype conferences are also available.
  • Chambers has a well-integrated and extensive network of legal information resources, with online access to all major legal databases and to the outstanding facilities offered by the Inns of Court.
  • Clients are always welcome in chambers. Meetings and conferences may be arranged in chambers or elsewhere to suit the needs of the case, particularly solicitors’ offices.
  • Arrangements are frequently made to meet clients at a venue convenient to them including their own home.

Direct Access

  • Chambers accepts instructions in advisory and litigation matters from members of accredited professional bodies under the licensed access scheme.
  • Some members of chambers now accept instructions in advisory and advocacy matters from members of the public, other professionals and foreign lawyers directly without the need to go through a solicitor.
  • For more information on instructing a family barrister through the direct access scheme, please see our Direct Access to Barristers page.

The Clerking and Administrative Team

  • Michael Reeves leads a dynamic, dedicated, and well-orgainised clerking team. As the interface between client and barrister, our Practice Mangers always seek to provide a quick response to any query.
  • Furhana Mallick, our excellent chambers manager, is responsible for the administration, human resources, compliance, financial management, premises and facilities, IT and aspects of marketing.


  • Our family law barristers play a leading role in the development of our profession, and family law generally, through their membership of various specialist associations, including the Family Law Bar Association and the Association of Lawyers for Children
  • Barristers are also involved in the International Bar Association and the International Academy of Family Lawyers. Several barristers are also actively involved in the Bar Council either as elected members or as co-opted specialist advisers.

Publications, Presentations and Continuing Professional Development

  • Our family law barristers write regularly for the legal, specialist, local authority and mainstream media.
  • They provide insightful, practical and relevant presentations of topical interest to solicitors, both in private practice or in-house, regional Resolution committees and family law groups.
  • Chambers has also established its own annual family law seminar series providing essential legal and procedural updates, as well as networking opportunities to meet our barristers on a more informal basis

Causes we support

  • Unpaid (‘pro bono’) work is undertaken for the Bar Pro Bono Unit and the Free Representation Unit. Pupils are actively encouraged to gain experience by taking FRU cases.
  • The London Legal Support Trust. Each year a team of walkers from chambers enters the London Legal Walk to raise money for the London Legal Support Trust, the Free Representation Unit and the Bar Pro Bono Unit.
  • These agencies do a fantastic job in preventing homelessness, resolving debt problems, obtaining care for the elderly and disabled and fighting exploitation.