For Advice. For Advocacy. For Dispute Resolution. For Litigation. For Family.

4PB Family Law Barristers

4PB is one of the largest chambers in England and Wales, practising only in the field of Family Law, comprising 25 ‘silks’ and 67 ‘juniors’, a total of 92. Our barristers practise across all areas of family law. Instructed by the country’s premier family law firms, our practitioners are regularly involved in landmark developments in family law and family justice.

We are supported by a first-class team of clerks, practice manager and administrative staff.

In October 2021 we relocated from our long-held base in the Temple at 4 Paper Buildings, to modern premises in the heart of St Paul’s, which provide the latest video and communication technology to allow our members to conduct consultations, conferences, remote hearings, ADR and mediation. We are leaders in our field recognised each year by numerous legal accolades and awards.

We are now 4PB.

4PB provide expert, practical legal advice in all areas of family law;
Powerful and effective court advocacy;
Out-of-court family dispute resolution services;
Public and direct access barristers in appropriate cases.

Financial Remedy Essay Competition 2024

Following the success of our inaugural competition, we are delighted to announce the launch of our Financial Remedies Essay Competition 2024 for the second year.

With this opportunity, we aim to encourage current law students, as well as those who have completed their studies and are actively seeking pupillage, to explore the realm of Financial Remedies law in the hope that they will be inspired to consider practice in this area of law. This competition underscores 4PB’s commitment to nurturing excellence and innovation in the field.

We invite individuals to write a 1,000-word essay discussing the following: “The law on maintenance should be reformed to provide for a formulaic approach.

The winner will receive £500, a mini-pupillage, and an invitation to the 4PB Finance Group Annual Seminar and Reception on Wednesday, 27th November 2024, where the winner will be announced. In addition, the winning essay will be considered for publication in the Family Law Journal.

For more information or to make a submission, click here


4PB News


Catherine Wood KC invited to participate in the Centre for Child and Family Law Reform’s Costs Debate

Catherine Wood KC has been invited to take part in the Centre for Child and Family Law Reform’s Costs Debate on Thursday 6 March 2025.

This event will feature a series of quick-fire debates on costs in family law proceedings, co-chaired by Hannah Markham KC and William Longrigg, and will conclude with a discussion on costs led by Sir Philip Moor.

Drawing on her expertise as a specialist in private law children cases, including those with an international element, Catherine joins the opening debate, presenting her arguments against the proposition: “The time has come to make more costs orders in private Children Act proceedings.”

To learn more about the debate, click here.


Deirdre Fottrell KC Successfully Represents the Respondent in a Court of Appeal Child Arrangements Case

Deirdre Fottrell KC successfully represented the respondent in the Court of Appeal in A, B and C (Child Arrangements: Final Order at Dispute Resolution Appointment), Re [2025] EWCA Civ 55

The Court gave important guidance on the circumstances in which judges can make final orders in private law children cases. Deirdre was instructed by Sarah Hutchinson of Farrer & Co.

Read the judgment here.


The ‘remarkable’ 4 Paper Buildings is ‘simply the best stable’ of barristers who are ‘committed and passionate’ to children law, both domestic and international. With ‘a wide spread of barristers who excel in the field’, chambers offers ‘accomplished, expert counsel at every level of call and covering all particular niches’. Many of the set’s ‘stellar’ counsel are ‘absolute leaders in the field’ and there is also ‘a seemingly endless raft of very capable juniors’ coming through. Chambers’ matrimonial finance barristers are also ‘excellent’ and of the ‘highest quality’. The set is very approachable, inviting solicitors to share knowledge and welcoming in their dealings with clients.
Legal 500, 2019