The ‘remarkable’ 4 Paper Buildings is ‘simply the best stable’ of family barristers who are ‘committed and passionate’ to children law, both domestic and international. With ‘a wide spread of family barrister chambers who excel in the field’, chambers offers ‘accomplished, expert counsel at every level of call and covering all particular niches’. Many of the set’s ‘stellar’ counsel are ‘absolute leaders in the field’ and there is also ‘a seemingly endless raft of very capable juniors’ coming through. Chambers’ matrimonial finance barristers are also ‘excellent’ and of the ‘highest quality’.
The Legal 500, 2019
- Seniority
- Alphabetically
- Direct Access
- Arbitration
- Collaborative Law
- Court of Protection - Vulnerable Adult
- Direct Access
- Divorce
- Divorce Nullity & Human Rights
- Early Neutral Evaluation
- Family Law Act
- Financial Remedies
- Human Rights
- Inheritance (provision for Family Dependants) Act 1975
- Inheritance (provision for Family Dependants) Act 1975
- Inquests and Inquiries
- International Child Abduction
- International Children Law
- International Family Dispute Resolution
- Lawler-led Mediation
- Mediation
- Non-Court Dispute Resolution
- Nullity
- Private Children Law
- Private FDR and Early Neutral Evaluation
- Public Children Law
- Schedule One
- Schedule One
- Sports Law
- Surrogacy and modern families