4PB welcome a delegation from the Malaysian Bar

30th November 2023

4PB was thrilled to host a delegation from the Malaysian Bar in chambers on Wednesday.

Organised by Sam King KC, the visit included a training session delivered by Joint Head of Chambers, Barbara Mills KC, alongside Ruth Kirby KC and Katharine Bundell. The session focused on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), handling Child Witnesses, and navigating Financial Remedies cases, followed by Q&A session.

Barbara Mills KC commented, “It was great to meet colleagues from the Family Law Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council and discuss issues we have in common as well as issues that are unique to us. The conversation was rich and wide ranging – we very much hope the ideas raised will generate ways we can assist our clients in our respective jurisdictions.”

This meeting marks the inaugural step in forging a working relationship with the Malaysian Bar. It lays the groundwork for ongoing collaboration, knowledge exchange, and mutual support in the dynamic field of family law. 4PB eagerly anticipates future discussions and visits to Malaysia as we continue to strengthen this valuable partnership.

We would like to thank Middle Temple and the Malaysian Middle Temple Alumni, for the opportunity to host this delegation at 4PB.