Legal Aid Response
The 4PB International Child Law Team’s response to the recent consultation on proposed changes to legal aid concludes that the introduction of a residence test to eligibility for legal aid will risk causing serious harm to children and adults, will prevent access to justice in some of the most complex High Court cases and risks damage the standing of the UK in the international family law community. The response can be read in full here.
London Legal Walk
4PB took part in the 2013 London Legal Walk on Monday 20th May. To sponsor our team please click here
Hassan Khan
Hassan Khan been appointed as a legal assessor for the nursing and midwifery fitness to practice panel.
Academy of European Law Workshop in Florence
On 23rd April, David Williams QC is giving a presentation at the Academy of European Law Workshop in Florence. David will be talking about Preliminary References to the Court of Justice of the European Union to an audience of Italian, Austrian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Slovenian judges
4PB Marathon Runners
Good Luck to Kenny Martin, Jamie Byrne and Sharon Reeves who are all running in the London Marathon this Sunday on behalf of various childrens charities
BSB Professional Conduct Committee Newsletter
David Williams QC and Paul Hennessy hosted a visit to 4PB by a lay member of the PCC to give her some insight into the day to day working lives of barristers and clerks. Read her observations here