4PB International Child Law Group legal aid response in the media
The 4PB International Child Law Group’s response to the government’s consultation on legal aid was quoted by the BBC on 4th June, highlighting the concern about the impact on international disputes involving children. To read the response again click here
FLBA Executive Summary to MoJ ‘Transforming Legal Aid’ consultation
The Family Law Bar Association has responded to the Ministry of Justice Consultation Paper ‘Transforming Legal Aid’. To view the executive summary click here.
The FLBA expresses concern that the proposals will have a detrimental effect upon the most vulnerable people in society, particularly women and children, and will deny them legal representation in cases that have a fundamental impact upon their future lives. To see the full response, click here
Alex Verdan QC
Alex Verdan QC profiled in June Counsel Magazine. To read the article click here.
4PB members join legal aid ‘demonstration to save justice’
Members of chambers offered their support by participating in a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice protesting against the proposed cuts to legal aid on 4th June. Speakers at the demonstration included: Dinah Rose QC, Geoffrey Robertson QC, Michael Fordham QC, David Lammy MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP. To read the FLBA’s executive summary in response to the Ministry of Justice legal aid consultation, click here
Jane Probyn appointed as a Circuit Judge
Chambers warmly congratulates Jane Probyn on her appointment to the Circuit Bench.
The Queen has appointed Calista Jane Probyn to be a Circuit Judge on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Christopher Grayling MP.
The Right Honourable The Lord Judge, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, has assigned her to the South Eastern Circuit, based at Brighton County Court with effect from Wednesday 24 July 2013.
Legal Aid Response
The 4PB International Child Law Team’s response to the recent consultation on proposed changes to legal aid concludes that the introduction of a residence test to eligibility for legal aid will risk causing serious harm to children and adults, will prevent access to justice in some of the most complex High Court cases and risks damage the standing of the UK in the international family law community. The response can be read in full here.